Our History

Seedlings Academy for Young Learners sprouted from the heart of its owners Terri and Doug Miller. Grounded in corporate childcare centers, Terri desired to plant a unique school for early learners in the heart of their hometown of Hershey, PA. The doors of the very first Seedlings Academy opened on January 3, 2017 serving children ages 1-5. By June 2017, the building next door was renovated and officially became our Infant and Toddler Center. By September 2019, a third building was added to complete the Seedlings campus. Our three buildings are now known as The Nest, The Woodlands, and The Treehouse, each designed to inspire growth in early learners and young school aged children.

Terri and Doug have been married 40 years and have 3 grown children and 10 grandchildren. Terri serves as the director of Seedlings Academy as she has the knowledge, experience, and passion to teach early learners, develops positive partnerships with parents, and supports the staff. Doug is a retired pastor and non-profit executive who supports the day-to-day business operations and is somewhat of a celebrity when he visits classrooms or is seen outside caring for the property.

Terri and Doug Miller

Terri and Doug Miller

Seedlings Academy Co-Founders